World languages free. Foreign languages free. Green card. Free PDF fownload


World languages free

      Until now, there were only a few ways to learn foreign words. Words were written on cards and repeated many times. Or just a lot of times taught words and transfer. It is very boring. Words are remembered not for long, quickly forgotten if you did not use them. If you make the learning process interesting, foreign words will be remembered faster and more reliable. To do this, we developed more than 20 variants of the Board game out of paper OFLAMERON. All versions are designed for children older than 7-8 years and can be used for any of the European languages. You can download a DOCX version of Word and create their own versions of the training tables. Enough only 10-15 minutes.
      Educational Board games from paper very cheap, can look interesting and beautiful, you can do them yourself with the children.
      Use the version of the game OFLAMERON in crossword to memorize the French words (native - English). Small crossword 6-7 words with multiple intersections. Looks very simple. But we highlight individual words (see first table). And then remove the letters from the table. The student will have only the TRANSLATION of words into the native language, know the number of letters in words and to see the "point" of intersection words.
      World languages
      World languages
      The finished table looks like this
      World languages
      Not a very simple task for a student. The difficulty can be increased if you use more words.

World languages free

      You can easily develop your own mini-crossword puzzles for lessons. Use DOCX files for Microsoft Word.
      Create a crossword puzzle takes 10-15 minutes.
      Great job for students older than 6-7 years.
      Free download DOCX and PDF guide
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      Portugal. Another version
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