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Wiki movie scenario

      Anyone who is interested in writing a movie scenario can write a wiki. This is an open source free project. You can write one or several episodes, translate into foreign languages, make illustrations, publish on your Internet resources, organize forums and blogs.
      The first part of the scenario was written and published as a Word document and a website. You can download and read this Word document. The scenario consists of individual episodes. Each episode has a unique number.
Read desant_2020.doc >> - Russian source text
      The first part of the scenario is written in Russian. The structure of the text is maximally adapted for translation into foreign languages. The scenario uses scientific and technical terms that have exact meanings in other languages.
      You can translate the scenario into other languages. Your translation will also be protected by Your's copyright law.

Wiki movie scenario

      If you are creating a new episode, use the new unique number. You can add letters so that the likelihood of repetition becomes minimal.
      New episodes for the scenario can write everything. The script can be used to create a film, cartoon or comic book with a serious scientific and technical base. This is a high tech scenario. Use in episodes the latest technical achievements, scientific discoveries and projects, hypotheses. Scenario episodes should contain a large percentage of scientific novelty.
      The theme of the scenario is related to the exploration of the planet Oflameron. The landing, led by Jett, the main character, landed on the planet.
      The planet has unusual properties, events occur there that modern science cannot explain. The Central Command is trying to find out the likelihood of a threat, get information and uses all available means. Central Command has unlimited access to resources and uses the resources of powerful artificial intelligence. The scenario uses information from Jett diaries found in the Czech Republic. Separate episodes roughly correspond to individual chapters of the diary.
      The quality of the scenario, new events and actions is up to you. You can write a series of episodes that make up a separate block. When creating a movie, the director can select episodes of the scenario to make separate episodes of the film.
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Wiki movie scenario

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Wiki movie scenario