World languages free. Foreign languages free. Free PDF fownload. Green card


World languages free

      Board game OFLAMERON much more effective in the study of world languages with the children. Because classes do not differ from table games. The rules are very simple. Training materials are beautiful and interesting - you can make them yourself for free. There are more than 20 variants of this Board game. It is used in Europe, USA, Australia, China, etc. There are several ways to make classes more difficult. Then you can use it for lessons with older students.
      Board game OFLAMERON has many choices for learning world languages. For example, for French words. Use a vertical table. Write in the columns of the French word. Each letter is in separate cell. The column can be a few words.
      World languages
      Highlight individual words.
      World languages
      To make the game harder, you can remove the color of the cells.
      World languages
      Now we have to print a table and you cut it into individual lines. Get a set of tapes from a "random" set of letters.
      World languages

World languages free

      Just mix tape and give to the student. The student must restore the correct table to get the French words. And to call them translations.
      World languages
      The longer the table, the more tapes you can do the more difficult task for the student.
      Great job for students older than 6-7 years.
      Free download PDF guide
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      USA. Another version
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